The Wolfe Pack

Billy |

I live in North Carolina, United states. I enjoy pipe smoking, music, and hanging out with my wife and kids. My interests include music, coding, Linux, gaming, and open source things in general.

Some of my favorite music

Amon Amarth:


The Other:


Other Sites

My git stuff:


Thoughts of a Dragon:

My Ko-fi:

Does anyone know if it is possible to reorder email columns in Thunderbird using the keyboard? I want to see the sender before the subject.


stormdragon2976 pushed changes to the master branch of the I38 project Add ability to have removable storage auto mounted if udiskie is detected.


stormdragon2976 pushed changes to the testing branch of the audiogame-manager project Game “Bounce Bounce” added.


stormdragon2976 pushed changes to the testing branch of the audiogame-manager project New Tolk changes pushed. if you have the old Tolk in ~/.cache/audiogame-manager, delete it and the new version will be downloaded on the next install. You can either reinstall existing STW and Christmas Chaos, or download the new Tolk.dll from and replace the one in your current STW and Christmas Chaos bottles.

re: audiogame-manager

@bgtlover I really like the idea of using the same server for both projects.

Oh, I meant to let you know, I actually got to log in to STW today, and the arrow keys work for me. The AGM installer is very minimal for it, so I’m not sure why it would be giving you problems, unless you have something else installed in the same bottle with different requirements that conflict something needed by STW?

I’ll get started on testing the new tolk stuff now. I’ll let you know how it goes.

re: audiogame-manager

@bgtlover Thank you so much for your continued work on this project. It, and you, are completely awesome. 😈

I’ll have to actually set things up in audiogame-manager later this evening when I am done with work. but to make sure I understand, I will need the nvda2speechd server running to use the speech-dispatcher aspect of the new code?

@tschapajew @talon I haven’t been able to successfully start or join a network game. It plays a split second of music then crashes. It used to work, but with the latest update to the accessibility mod, it no longer does.

re: I38

@fireborn It should work now. If you pull the latest and use -u to update the scripts, you shouldn’t even have to restart i38.


stormdragon2976 pushed changes to the master branch of the I38 project Sound added for custom modes. Default mode sound should only play when switching back to the default mode now. This means we now have ratpoison mode sound, bypassmode sound, default sound for when no mode is being used other than default bindings, and custom, for when you add your on modes in the customizations file.

re: I38

@fireborn Oh, that makes sense. I didn’t take into account custom modes. Hmm, I’ll have to think about this one, but how does a custom sound for other modes sound if I can pull it off? It means all modes that aren’t built in will sound the same, but I’m guessing that would be better than reusing the same sounds for existing modes?

re: I38

@fireborn I’m not sure I understand. Can you give me steps to reproduce, and what should happen?


stormdragon2976 pushed changes to the master branch of the I38 project Workspace switching sound should now work correctly in Sway.


stormdragon2976 pushed changes to the master branch of the I38 project Window list should now work for sway.

@destructatron The sensible-terminal thing should be fixed now. I’ll have to look at the window list.


stormdragon2976 pushed changes to the master branch of the I38 project Make the sway option use the sway version of sensible-terminal.

@destructatron OMG, I completely forgot about that, sorry. I’ll see about fixing those problems today at some point.

@nolan It’s just so awesome to see people who are awesome finally succeed. I know I said this already, but congrats. You rock, and it’s about time that paid off. ☺️

re: audiogame-manager

@bgtlover Hmm, that keyboard is the only thing I can think of. The arrow keys do work for me in the menu, not sure about the game itself though. You could try this:

WINEPREFIX=~/.local/survive-the-wild winetricks -q usetakefocus=y
WINEPREFIX=~/.local/survive-the-wild winetricks -q usetakefocus=n

Of course replace WINEPREFIX with whatever yours is if you didn’t use audiogame-manager to install it.

re: audiogame-manager

@bgtlover So, I haven’t actually gotten to play the game yet, can’t logged in because the server is closed until bugs get below 100. The arrow keys and everything do work in the menu though. If your keyboard is not set to US layout, try chaning it before launching the game. If that works, let me know.

re: audiogame-manager

@bgtlover Yes, the speech has to complete before the next can begin. It’s ok though, because you sure won’t miss anything.
