The Wolfe Pack

@destructatron Did you try the window list binding? It’s bound to ratpoison key + ‘ in I38.

@destructatron I think I can do that. I added the say option because a couple people asked for it, but I never got any feedback. So, I din’t realize it was broken lol. Thanks for finding and reporting this.

@destructatron You ran it with the -s flag, and it still used i3msg instead of swaymsg? Were there any swaymsg statements in there at all? If not, the problem is too big for my currently very tired brain. for terminal, should it be sway-sensible-terminal?

@destructatron OMG, I completely forgot about that, sorry. I’ll see about fixing those problems today at some point.

@destructatron The sensible-terminal thing should be fixed now. I’ll have to look at the window list.


@destructatron I spent some time trying to fix this problem tonight. It wasn’t exactly running i3 stuff, but it also required a bit of a different approach to get the window list. Unfortunately, most of the IDs returned by python-i3ipc are “None” so it can’t actually switch to the window in question, but it should accurately list them now. In my tests, it was only actually able to switch to the browser window. Terminal, Pluma, etc all return none as their window id. Hopefully this will be fixed on the Sway or python-i3ipc side of things.

@destructatron Hmm, that’s where the window list would really come in handy. I use it to jump to qjoypad, which I believe is one of those floating windows. I’ll see if I can find something else to do the same thing. Have you tried the latest window list, and if so, does it at least accurately show the list of windows? I know the lua version mentions sway specifically, so maybe it would have better luck. I’m hoping to have soe time this weekend for these projects and for gaming, so hopefully I’ll be able to look into it then.

@destructatron Yeah, for some reason in wayland it’s not returning an id for eacc window. So, it tries to switch to the window id “None” which doesn’t exist. It’s a bit weird though, because my browser, Brave, did have an id. I could jump to it no problem.