The Wolfe Pack

The Wolfe Pack

Billy |

I live in North Carolina, United states. I enjoy pipe smoking, music, and hanging out with my wife and kids. My interests include music, coding, Linux, gaming, and open source things in general.

Some of my favorite music

Amon Amarth:


The Other:


Other Sites

My git stuff:


Thoughts of a Dragon:

My Ko-fi:

@fireborn Volume keys are in place now, as well as other music bindings. At this time, they are part of ratpoison mode, but I will add an alternative soon. For now, however, the keys are as follows:

  • alt+shift+plus: volume up
  • Alt+Shift+dash: volume down
  • Alt+Shift+z: previous track
  • Alt+Shift+x: play
  • Alt+Shift+c: pause
  • Alt+Shift+v stop
  • Alt+Shift+b: next
  • Alt+Shift+9: decrease system volume
  • Alt+shift+0: increase system volume

@fireborn I will add the volume stuff sometime today. I’ll have to think about how to change things to not include a ratpoison mode, so I may not get to that today, but I’ll certainly keep it in mind.

@fireborn Which mod key did you pick? If super, to switch between windows would be super+tab and super+shift+tab. Should I make it be alt+tab and alt+shift+tab no matter which mod key you choose?

@fireborn It is on github, not lab. I have moved more towards github recently because gitlab’s accessibility has gone down hill, and you can’t read thei readme file for projects without javascript, so no w3m. Github still works decently well with w3m.

I38 now has a configuration question for setting the Mod key. Options are Alt, Control, or Super. If you choose super, for example, moving between open windows becomes Super+Tab and Shift+Super+Tab.

@fireborn Voices have to be installed per-bottle. You set the WINEPREFIX variable, and some games are combined so you would get the voice for multiple games. For example, for Swamp, and all the other Aprone games:

WINEPREFIX=~/.local/wine/aprone wine /path/to/installer.exe

You would have to do the same thing again with Crazy Party if you wanted the voice there because it is in a different bottle.

@fireborn In audiogame-manager, under the speech directory, is a script called Run it, and you should be able to change the voice. RHVoice is pretty good. If you want something else, you will have to install it manually before running There aren’t all that many sapi5 voices that are free to use and distribute. There is a cepstral installer script in there, but each of those voices cost like $35.

@fireborn something weird has to be going on, I’ve litterally never seen Swamp fail with deps installed. As for some of the dependencies do fail, but they’re installed in a loop in case that happens. usually the stuff that fails to build make games like Judgement day not work.

When would be a good time to set up a voice meeting?

@fireborn did you ever get Swamp working?

Audiogame Manager
Storm Dragon pushed changes to the testing branch of the audiogame-manager.git project:
Apply swamp patch in installation so you get the correct version.

@fireborn If you pull the testing branch, the installation script for wine and dependencies is now under the wine directory. I haven’t heard about any problems with it failing or causing problems, but on the other hand, I only know 2 or 3 people who have used it.

If you feel comfortable running it, try it out and see if it pulls in anything that you are missing. Swamp should start even though it will be out of date because there is a patch for the latest version. You should still get the game, and be able to play offline. I will work on adding the patch into the installer, but for now, I think swamp-update should work to get everything on the correct version.

If you are unconfortable running the install-dependencies script, or if it doesn’t work, I can set up a meeting for us so that I can see exactly what’s happening as you do the install. That can be on either jitsi or mumble if necessary.

Audiogame Manager
Storm Dragon pushed changes to the testing branch of the audiogame-manager.git project:
Move the installer script from the fossil repository into here, under the wine directory.

@fireborn Did you have it remove the music folder after installing? Can you check the ~/.local/wine/aprone directory and make sure that the swamp directory actually exists in Program Files? I’ll have to look at the installer in a few hours when I’m more awake.

@fireborn does swamp work now? I had a power flicker, so some recent timeline stuff may be missing.

@fireborn which distro? If arch, install wine-gecko and wine-mono. You also need a decent gstreamer setup for swamp to work, not everything, actually here’s a list of things that should get it working:

Depends On: wine_gecko wine-mono sdl2 ncurses mpg123 libpulse libpng libjpeg-turbo gnutls alsa-plugins alsa-lib mesa openal

              lib32-sdl2  lib32-ncurses  lib32-mpg123  lib32-libpulse  lib32-libpng  lib32-libjpeg-turbo  lib32-gnutls  lib32-alsa-plugins  lib32-alsa-lib
              lib32-mesa  lib32-openal

I’m not sure that the package names are the same across distros, so if you are on something else they may be different. After those, try reinstalling and hopefully it will work. I am going to be afk for a while, but I’ll check on this as soon as I can. Also let me know how the I38 adventures go.

Good luck. 😋

@fireborn awesome, but please be careful, we don’t want you losing sound again. Reinstalls suck. lol

I’m still not sure why that happened in the first place. I3 itself doesn’t have anything to do with your sound setup as far as I know.

I38 is coming along quite nicely. The code has stabilized quite a bit, and I think that we are ready for more general use and feedback/bug reports.

Very very new project, I38, which aims to do for i3 and sway what strychnine does for ratpoison.

This is extremely new code, prone to bugs, and not everything is implemented yet. If you want to test, please back up your current configuration first.

Very cool, you can change modes and add bindings inside those modes, so we have a ratpoison mode which will allow launching things in a familiar way for strychnine users.

@fireborn @celtichawk @jamminjerry If you can get into a console press insert+q, it should cause Fenrir to restart, which will bring back speech, unless there’s something else going on with sound.

@fireborn @celtichawk @jamminjerry Did you run /usr/share/tools/fenrirscreenreader/ once as your user and once as root? If it works, you should be able to use fenrir even with X running.
