The Wolfe Pack

The Wolfe Pack

@fireborn did you ever get Swamp working?


@fireborn something weird has to be going on, I’ve litterally never seen Swamp fail with deps installed. As for some of the dependencies do fail, but they’re installed in a loop in case that happens. usually the stuff that fails to build make games like Judgement day not work.

When would be a good time to set up a voice meeting?

@fireborn In audiogame-manager, under the speech directory, is a script called Run it, and you should be able to change the voice. RHVoice is pretty good. If you want something else, you will have to install it manually before running There aren’t all that many sapi5 voices that are free to use and distribute. There is a cepstral installer script in there, but each of those voices cost like $35.

@fireborn Voices have to be installed per-bottle. You set the WINEPREFIX variable, and some games are combined so you would get the voice for multiple games. For example, for Swamp, and all the other Aprone games:

WINEPREFIX=~/.local/wine/aprone wine /path/to/installer.exe

You would have to do the same thing again with Crazy Party if you wanted the voice there because it is in a different bottle.