The Wolfe Pack

The Wolfe Pack

@fireborn when you do pull requests, can you create a different branch for each one, and only request one thing per branch? The last batch has some tangles with things that are already in master, and basically we are adding in things manually because it's easier this way. With single pulls per branch, it should make it much easier to do this in the future.

I38 is coming along quite nicely. The code has stabilized quite a bit, and I think that we are ready for more general use and feedback/bug reports.

@fireborn awesome, but please be careful, we don’t want you losing sound again. Reinstalls suck. lol

I’m still not sure why that happened in the first place. I3 itself doesn’t have anything to do with your sound setup as far as I know.


@fireborn It is on github, not lab. I have moved more towards github recently because gitlab’s accessibility has gone down hill, and you can’t read thei readme file for projects without javascript, so no w3m. Github still works decently well with w3m.

@fireborn Which mod key did you pick? If super, to switch between windows would be super+tab and super+shift+tab. Should I make it be alt+tab and alt+shift+tab no matter which mod key you choose?

@fireborn I will add the volume stuff sometime today. I’ll have to think about how to change things to not include a ratpoison mode, so I may not get to that today, but I’ll certainly keep it in mind.

@fireborn Volume keys are in place now, as well as other music bindings. At this time, they are part of ratpoison mode, but I will add an alternative soon. For now, however, the keys are as follows:

  • alt+shift+plus: volume up
  • Alt+Shift+dash: volume down
  • Alt+Shift+z: previous track
  • Alt+Shift+x: play
  • Alt+Shift+c: pause
  • Alt+Shift+v stop
  • Alt+Shift+b: next
  • Alt+Shift+9: decrease system volume
  • Alt+shift+0: increase system volume

@kyle that looks neat. I like sourcehut pretty well too, but this is a shared project, so it was either gitlab or github, and github is better these days. I know that sucks, because open source is always better, but they really have wrecked their accessibility, and javascript required to read a simple text file is just plain dumb.

@fireborn I haven't received any pull requests. If nothing else, you can wormhole it to me.

@fireborn Pull request received and merged. Thanks 😀

@fireborn We are merging the key conflict detection. I sent you a reply on github. Basically, for things that present dialogs, use yad instead of zenity. Also for short things like battery info, you could just make a key binding and speak the information with speech-dispatcher instead of using a text box.

Thanks for all the help. ☺️

@fireborn It's all good. I certainly do appreciate all the work.

@fireborn I updated the battery status script just a bit so that it doesn't rely on ls which can be different on different systems. I also did some string manipulation so it would read "Battery 0:" instead of "BAT0".

If you have time, take a look at it and tell me what you think.

@fireborn lol I was way over thinking the ratpoisonless configuration. Once I realized it would actually be simple, it took me about 10 minutes to write. Then I spent about 35 more minutes tracking down a really obvious bug in the yesno dialogs.