The Wolfe Pack

Billy |

I live in North Carolina, United states. I enjoy pipe smoking, music, and hanging out with my wife and kids. My interests include music, coding, Linux, gaming, and open source things in general.

Some of my favorite music

Amon Amarth:


The Other:


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Thoughts of a Dragon:

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@bryn I do know about that one, but I haven’t seen any new releases of nvda2speechd. Perhaps it will be fixed at some point. Nvda2speechd is not my project, just one I use for audiogame-manager. Without it we would have fewer games that actually work.

@bryn So first, you probably want to list your modules:

spd-say -O

Next, test to make sure it works:

spd-say -o rhvoice "hello world"

Finally, run spd-conf and change the module to your desiredvoice. I believe it has espeak-ng as the default.

You can edit the configuration file by hand too if you want. Just be careful not to wind up with no speech. The file is located at:


If you do it that way, you will need to:

killall speech-dispatcher

to get it to restart with the new settings. Note that it may take a couple of key presses that would normally result in speech before it comes back. Of course, that could be just because my poor computer is old and slow. lol

@bryn I’ve heard Voxin has that problem, it starts fine then slows down. I’ve not heard of a solution though.

@bryn I’m just guessing here, because I don’t know your sound setup, but you probably need to install pulseaudio-alsa or pipewire-alsa if you’re using pipewire.

In audiogame-manager, speech has a number of ways to be configured, depending on the game. Some of them are using sapi5. For those, run scripts/ and select the bottle where the game is stored. You can then select a voice. In most cases, I recommend RHVoice, BDL.

For other games, it is using speech-dispatcher in one form or another, so you might want to run spd-conf and set the way speech-dispatcher sounds by default. I know this stuff can be overwhelming if you’re not used to using Linux as a daily driver. If you have any problems, I’m more than willing to meet with you on Jitsi and help get things set up. Just let me know.

@destructatron Hmm, that’s where the window list would really come in handy. I use it to jump to qjoypad, which I believe is one of those floating windows. I’ll see if I can find something else to do the same thing. Have you tried the latest window list, and if so, does it at least accurately show the list of windows? I know the lua version mentions sway specifically, so maybe it would have better luck. I’m hoping to have soe time this weekend for these projects and for gaming, so hopefully I’ll be able to look into it then.

@destructatron I spent some time trying to fix this problem tonight. It wasn’t exactly running i3 stuff, but it also required a bit of a different approach to get the window list. Unfortunately, most of the IDs returned by python-i3ipc are “None” so it can’t actually switch to the window in question, but it should accurately list them now. In my tests, it was only actually able to switch to the browser window. Terminal, Pluma, etc all return none as their window id. Hopefully this will be fixed on the Sway or python-i3ipc side of things.


stormdragon2976 pushed changes to the master branch of the I38 project Work on Sway support for the window lister. Unfortunately, most of the window IDs that get returned are “None” so you can’t actually select the window, but it does list them now.

Showing off Pleroma accessibility, specifically the POUR principle 3.2.

re: audiogame-manager

@bgtlover Ahh, tht would be it, the old one has to be removed from cache. It’s using the nvda2speechd server, which automatically starts for 64 bit games.

re: audiogame-manager

@bgtlover As far as I know, I did include the latest version. It’s the one with the ability to speak directly through speech-dispatcher right? It’s been in testing for a while, and got merged to master earlier today. There were instructions which I put in the git log and on formu that asks people to remove the old dll from cache so the new one would be downloaded. Also, I gave instructions for getting the new version in case people did not want to reinstall. Is there something new I am missing after that?


The documentation for installing audiogame-manager in Slint has been updated. So if you want to try AGM in Slint, check out this comprehensive guide.

stormdragon2976 pushed changes to the master branch of the project A few formatting fixes.


stormdragon2976 pushed changes to the master branch of the audiogame-manager project Merge branch ‘testing’, latest code and games.

@fu Thanks 😈 Audiogame manager is a lot of fun to write, but the most awesome part is when someone installs it for the first time and disappears into hours and hours of games they remember playing from a long time ago. Writing it is fun, but the happiness it brings to people is the best reward by far.


stormdragon2976 pushed changes to the testing branch of the audiogame-manager project Added internal unix2dos so that the external program is no longer needed.

stormdragon2976 pushed changes to the master branch of the project Fixed typo in Slint instructions.

stormdragon2976 pushed changes to the master branch of the project Rewrite the Slint wiki page because so many things have changed from the last version. Thanks Tony for doing all this work.

re: I38

@Mayana It was awesome. Got to spend the day with the family. Yes, I do that every day, but that just means every day is awesome! lol

re: I38

@Mayana Lol. It’s actually named after the Misfits song, but you would have been pretty close with the happy birthday, mine was back on May 29. I haven’t been 38 in … well best not to think about that one too hard. Only kidding, I’m 47.


stormdragon2976 pushed changes to the master branch of the I38 project Updated optional applications list in the README.
