The Wolfe Pack

@bryn I’m just guessing here, because I don’t know your sound setup, but you probably need to install pulseaudio-alsa or pipewire-alsa if you’re using pipewire.

In audiogame-manager, speech has a number of ways to be configured, depending on the game. Some of them are using sapi5. For those, run scripts/ and select the bottle where the game is stored. You can then select a voice. In most cases, I recommend RHVoice, BDL.

For other games, it is using speech-dispatcher in one form or another, so you might want to run spd-conf and set the way speech-dispatcher sounds by default. I know this stuff can be overwhelming if you’re not used to using Linux as a daily driver. If you have any problems, I’m more than willing to meet with you on Jitsi and help get things set up. Just let me know.

@bryn I’ve heard Voxin has that problem, it starts fine then slows down. I’ve not heard of a solution though.

@bryn So first, you probably want to list your modules:

spd-say -O

Next, test to make sure it works:

spd-say -o rhvoice "hello world"

Finally, run spd-conf and change the module to your desiredvoice. I believe it has espeak-ng as the default.

You can edit the configuration file by hand too if you want. Just be careful not to wind up with no speech. The file is located at:


If you do it that way, you will need to:

killall speech-dispatcher

to get it to restart with the new settings. Note that it may take a couple of key presses that would normally result in speech before it comes back. Of course, that could be just because my poor computer is old and slow. lol

@bryn I do know about that one, but I haven’t seen any new releases of nvda2speechd. Perhaps it will be fixed at some point. Nvda2speechd is not my project, just one I use for audiogame-manager. Without it we would have fewer games that actually work.
