The Wolfe Pack

Billy |

I live in North Carolina, United states. I enjoy pipe smoking, music, and hanging out with my wife and kids. My interests include music, coding, Linux, gaming, and open source things in general.

Some of my favorite music

Amon Amarth:


The Other:


Other Sites

My git stuff:


Thoughts of a Dragon:

My Ko-fi:
stormdragon2976 pushed changes to the master branch of the project:
Updated information to reflect audiogame-manager's new home on Removed some stuff that doesn't apply any more.

stormdragon2976 pushed changes to the testing branch of the audiogame-manager project:
Launch the window title reader with Laser Breakout so that more of the information is read.
stormdragon2976 pushed changes to the master branch of the project:
Fixed a typo.

re: testing autocomplete
@MWTab It worky! 🎃

That's unfortunate, the wiki link did not come out right. Will have to look into the script and see if that can be fixed.
stormdragon2976 pushed changes to the master branch of the project:
Updated the home page.

@sektor testing audocomplete for usernames and emoji. This is completely awesome! 💀

stormdragon2976 pushed changes to the testing branch of the audiogame-manager project:
Curl handle redirrects automatically.

stormdragon2976 pushed changes to the master branch of the linux-game-manager project:
Curl handle redirrects automatically.

stormdragon2976 pushed changes to the master branch of the linux-game-manager project:
Switch from wget to curl for downloads. this removes a dependency, and theoretically should not lose any functionality. It is experimental, however, so please watch for bugs.

stormdragon2976 pushed changes to the testing branch of the audiogame-manager project:
Switch from wget to curl for downloads. this removes a dependency, and theoretically should not lose any functionality. It is experimental, however, so please watch for bugs.

Wow, installing BK3 on the Pi4 has taken approximately an hour, maybe a little more.

@MWTab Howdy 💀

@MWTab I love it, gametoots! Awesome.

Amazon Smile is ending. Workers are being laid off, there is a hiring freeze. Prime prices keep creeping higher and higher. Is there anything good about this company any more? Where else can you shop online that can match prices and products?

Oh, I meant to mention this last time, but if you want to follow Stormux related updates, follow @stormux

I finally managed to get all 3 Stormux images updated. Been having some weird problems lately, sudo isn’t working to gain root privileges if you use it to become a user other than root in a chroot environment. The 32 bit image won’t write its boot files because it can’t write extended attributes, but of course it can’t, because it’s a fat32 filesystem.

This is the most awesome thing ChatGPT has ever done! The billions of dollars, all the hard work, the sweat and tears, it was all worth it! Behold:

Give me a fictitious weather report in the style of the horror punk band Misfits.

"Listen up, creeps and fiends, it's time for your daily weather report from the Misfits. The forecast for today is a mix of graveyard fog and blood red skies.
Expect high winds and a chance of undead storm fronts moving in. Temperatures will be dropping to a bone-chilling degree. Nightfall will bring an eternal
darkness, with a full moon that will give you the creeps. Beware, monsters and ghouls, this is not the weather for the living. Stay in your graves if you know
what's good for you. This is the Misfits signing off."

@viticci Honestly Twitter’s been going that direction for years. It’s the reason awesome applications like TTYtter stopped being developed. Sure, the community picked up the slack when TTYtter’s developer got sick of Twitter’s crap and left, but as far as I can tell, even development on Oysttyer has stalled for years. Yes, it does suck, but it’s really just business as usual for these walled garden, nonfederating companies. Look at the state of Facebook’s API. These days it’s practically useless unless you’re using it to try to talk people out of money, which is why fbcmd is gone and nothing has really been able to replace it.

re: ditching mastodon

@pax I’m not really sure, I haven’t ever had to migrate instances. Probably if I did, I would just post from the old instance that I am moving, like you did. There may be migration options available in preferences though, not sure.
