The Wolfe Pack

This is the most awesome thing ChatGPT has ever done! The billions of dollars, all the hard work, the sweat and tears, it was all worth it! Behold:

Give me a fictitious weather report in the style of the horror punk band Misfits.

"Listen up, creeps and fiends, it's time for your daily weather report from the Misfits. The forecast for today is a mix of graveyard fog and blood red skies.
Expect high winds and a chance of undead storm fronts moving in. Temperatures will be dropping to a bone-chilling degree. Nightfall will bring an eternal
darkness, with a full moon that will give you the creeps. Beware, monsters and ghouls, this is not the weather for the living. Stay in your graves if you know
what's good for you. This is the Misfits signing off."