The Wolfe Pack

Billy |

I live in North Carolina, United states. I enjoy pipe smoking, music, and hanging out with my wife and kids. My interests include music, coding, Linux, gaming, and open source things in general.

Some of my favorite music

Amon Amarth:


The Other:


Other Sites

My git stuff:


Thoughts of a Dragon:

My Ko-fi:

@pax On the other hand, most things are really easy to do from the web interface, and you most likely won't have many problems figuring it out.

@pax I would probably not be the right person to do that. I only use my phone as a last resort for computing tasks. Also, I tend to do things from the command line, so although I can use the web interface, I usually just figure out things as I go when it is required.

@pax If I can find you an instance, I'll find out about getting you past the captcha as well. If nothing else, I may set up a public instance on stormux.

@pax I have asked on the #pleroma irc channel if thee are any public instances with the accessibility fixes in place. Sometimes it takes a bit to get an answer, but I will let you know. I haven't ever had to worry about importing followers, but I think it is possible.

@pax If you are interested in switching to it, or trying it, I can see if I can find you an instance.

@pax That's disappointing. Interestingly, though, #pleroma just had an update that improved #a11y quite substantially. The web interface is quite awesome now. The only thing that is really missing at this point is autocompletion of names. It is apparently going to be an involved process to fix it, but it is being worked on.

@destructatron Oh interesting, I never checked where the package puts stuff, I just did import speechd and it worked, so I assumed everything was right.

@destructatron You probably want libspeechd.

@destructatron @Kaliah It came from South Park, the guidance counceler, Mr. Mackie, says mk after pretty much everything. It's his version of ok.

I finally hopped on the ChatGPT band wagon, and I have to admit, it is completely awesome. From generating udev rules to writing interesting stories, this thing does it all. Here is a story it generated with some suggestions and error corrections from me.

Samantha was a normal young woman, living a normal life in a small town. She had no idea that her life was about to change forever.

One day, as she was walking home from work, she was hit by a runaway truck. She was rushed to the hospital, but the damage was severe. The doctors had no choice but to amputate her buttocks in order to save her life.

Samantha was devastated. She had always been proud of her butt, and now it was gone. She didn't know how she was going to cope with the loss.

But as the days passed, something strange started to happen. Samantha's amputated butt seemed to be moving on its own. It was writhing and squirming, as if it were alive.

The doctors were shocked and perplexed. They had never seen anything like it. They tried to stop the movement, but it was no use. The butt was determined to escape.

And so, one night, it did. The butt wriggled out of the hospital and into the streets, where it started to terrorize the town. It flew through the air, propelled by its own flatulence, and pooped on innocent people as it went.

The people of the town were terrified. They had never seen anything like it. They didn't know what to do.

As the flying butt rampaged through the streets, it seemed that there was no stopping it. It was indestructible, and no one knew how to defeat it.

But then, just when all seemed lost, a brave young hero stepped forward. His name was Tim, and he had a plan.

Tim knew that the only way to stop the flying butt was to cut off its supply of gas. And so, he built a giant fart-sucking machine and used it to suck all the air out of the butt.

As the butt deflated and fell to the ground, the people of the town rejoiced. They knew that they were safe once again.

Tim was hailed as a hero, and the people of the town threw him a parade. Samantha was grateful to Tim, and she knew that she would always be in his debt.

And so, the terror of the flying butt came to an end, and life in the town returned to normal. The people were grateful to be alive, and they knew that they would always remember the hero who had saved them from the farting, pooping terror that had once threatened to destroy their town.

@sektor I will do that later today, after my coffee levels have increased.

Because things keep breaking on the Mac, I have ended official support for that platform. I really dislike having to do that, but I really can't offer the level of support that is required.

I am not actually removing anything or changing code that will break it in any way on purpose, so things should continue to work as well as they ever did. Also, I will not remove the documentation. I still hope that we will find a Mac user who is able to offer support and maybe even code to the project.

For now, however, audiogame-manager should be considered a Linux only project.

@nolan ko-fi is pretty nice. The accessibility could be a bit better. If I remember correctly, the download page for products takes some fiddling to actually get the downloads to work. Other than that, it's pretty decent.

There's always the option of setting up your own page with Paypal directly. They have both recurring and single donation options, you just have to generate the form using Paypal's tools.

stormdragon2976 pushed changes to the master branch of the linux-game-manager project:
Updated Fantasy Story 2 to the latest version, 2.7.

The backup backup computer bit the big one yesterday. I'm now using the Pi4 exclusively until I can get an X86_64 machine working, or a replacement. It barely even caused a hitch in my work flow, and the Pi4, as usually, is meeting the challenge quite admirably. If it wasn't for gaming, I really could use this full time. I did, in fact, for several years.

stormdragon2976 pushed changes to the master branch of the audiogame-manager project:
Merge branch 'testing', latest code and bug fixes.

stormdragon2976 pushed changes to the testing branch of the audiogame-manager project:
Fixed a bug in sandbox that could affect some installers.
