@drew there is this huge article on the audiogames forum where a lot of the work is on going, and there's a lot of information from both me with the TTS stuff and one of the Toby Doom developers.
@drew It should, yes. I have only seen one mod, Wolf3D where it does not read those messages. It works with Project Brutality, Starwars, and Army of Darkness for sure.
@drew it does with the caveat that the TTS is part of Linux Game Manager. You can play the Toby Doom project as is without tTS enabled, but the TTS opens up access to more game mods, and to more info in death match.
After a lot of work, I got Windows TTS for Doom pretty much the same as it has been in Linux for a while now. While working on the Windows version, I noticed that a lot of people who were playing wre not native English speakers.
I added in a setting so that the language could be set, and if the language is not English it uses Google translate to translate the text to their specified language before sending it through as speech.
I am wondering how many people who use the Linux version in Linux Game Manager would be interested in this functionality?
Storm Dragon pushed changes to the master branch of the linux-game-manager project Clean up some text that got through the filter for Doom's tts.
Storm Dragon pushed changes to the master branch of the linux-game-manager project Rewrite of yadoom to better handle command line parameters.
Advice on suffering with POTS by an old dysautonomia pro
I've been seeing a lot of posts about people struggling with POTS since they got Covid. I've had this post-viral dysautonomia for 12 years now, and I know how it can ruin your life, and I just wanted to share some advice that has worked for me, in the hopes it might get someone a few more hours on their feet, cuz I feel so bad for y'all. But also because this knowledge was hard-won, costing tens of thousands of dollars, a broken collarbone, and at least three concussions.
(Obviously, you should talk to your doctor about treatments, I'm just some guy on the Internet.)
I saw a POTS specialist at the University of Michigan, and some great advice he gave me was that compression socks don't work. He said that by the time blood pools in the legs, you've already fainted, so use abdominal compression instead. I went out and got one of those things women wear to like, suck everything in, and was able to stand upright for a full 8 hours for the first time in a year. Plus side, my waistline looks fabulous!
My disability lawyer told me that if you want to get on disability for POTS (USA), you have to tell them you lose consciousness more than once a week, any less than that and you don't qualify. Seriously, you could go to the hospital every single week for an entire year and you're ‘not disabled enough,’ because that's the arbitrary limit they set in their rules.
My cardiologist tried an experimental treatment by adding a beta blocker with my Florinef. Now, you might be thinking, what? Isn't a beta blocker for high blood pressure? Well, he explained that what it does is lessen the strength of the heartbeat, which might help it not trip the sensitive trigger that makes an episode happen. I will reiterate this was experimental, and while it worked great for me, there still isn't a lot of literature on it.
I was finally well enough again to sort-of function, and then added strength exercises to my routine. Building muscle, particularly in the abdomen and thighs, is the best way to regulate blood pressure, hands down. Focus on light recumbant exercises at first. I did pilates videos geared toward the elderly, lol. I put on 10 pounds and I'm now considered ‘in remission’ because I haven't fainted in 2 years. Now, that doesn't mean I'm cured, I still get a little dizzy and a little tachy, and I cannot miss taking my meds, but I don't actually lose consciousness anymore.
(I am not a doctor, but I do have a nursing degree, ask whatever you'd like and I'll try to answer)
re: Music
@sektor good stuff!
PostgreSQL Databases Under Attack https://www.linuxtoday.com/security/postgresql-databases-under-attack/
Linux Continues to Grow: 4.45% Desktop Market Share in July 2024 https://www.linuxtoday.com/news/linux-continues-to-grow-4-45-desktop-market-share-in-july-2024/
Storm Dragon pushed changes to the master branch of the linux-game-manager project Instead of Project Brutality only death match, we now have custom death match which lets you select your own game mod to use.
Storm Dragon pushed changes to the master branch of the linux-game-manager project Worked on filter strings. Probably more to do.
Storm Dragon pushed changes to the master branch of the linux-game-manager project Massive rewrite of how speaking with TTS is handled. This should open up compatibility with pretty much every wad out there as far as TTS is concerned. There may be unwanted speech until everything is ironed out.
@blindbat84 Awesome, I am glad you're feeling better and don't have whatever it is that's going around now. Trying to get work done while sick is terrible.
Storm Dragon pushed changes to the master branch of the linux-game-manager project Updates to the installer for Doom and the launcher scripts for custom games contain Project Brutality. Some manual intervention is required if you do not want to reinstall. See https://forum.audiogames.net/post/863139/#p863139 for details.
Storm Dragon pushed changes to the master branch of the linux-game-manager project More fixes to regular expressions.
Storm Dragon pushed changes to the master branch of the linux-game-manager project Regular expression fixes.
@blindbat84 It could be just allergies Fall is getting close, and with it comes Fall allergies, but it's all good because Halloween!
@blindbat84 there's a nasty virus going around. We've been passing it back and forth for a month or more. That's how it starts. You might wanna stock up on NyQuil lol.
[Book Review] Witchcraft on a Shoestring takes the reader through a fun and engaging journey of magical practices that don’t require expensive tools or materials. Readers will have a magical time creating spells, divinations, and even recipes that cost little to no money, which reminds us that we don’t need fancy items to practice the Craft; all we need is a little imagination!
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