The Wolfe Pack

Billy |

I live in North Carolina, United states. I enjoy pipe smoking, music, and hanging out with my wife and kids. My interests include music, coding, Linux, gaming, and open source things in general.

Some of my favorite music

Amon Amarth:


The Other:


Other Sites

My git stuff:


Thoughts of a Dragon:

My Ko-fi:

I just discovered It's pretty interesting, there are some unlabeled images, and they use that h-captcha crap, but there is potential if they fix both of those accessibility issues.

Carb Journal
Monday, April 08, 2024
  • 12:53PM -> Salisbury Steak -> 4.5

  • 01:15PM -> Atkins Caramel Nut Chew Bar -> 2

  • 02:39PM -> Jack Links Beef Steak -> 1

Total net carbs: 7.5

I updated my AutoHotkey Doom Launcher Script. It adds co-op as an option. Unfortunately I didn't get to actually test it with co-op, but it does run.

The zip file ccontains both the executable, .exe and the source code, .ahk.

All of the other components have been tested and they do work. The only thing I'm not quite sure about is the co-op option, but I know the hosting part of it actually opens things so that someone can join.

If you want to use the script, place it in your TobyAccessibilityMod_Version7-0 folder and run the .exe. It will spawn a menu which you can navigate with the arrow keys to select an option.

Carb Journal
Sunday, April 07, 2024
  • 12:18PM -> Life Cuisine Meat Lovers Cauliflower Pizza Bowl -> 11

  • 04:28PM -> Salisbury Steak with Onions and Mushrooms -> 9

Total net carbs: 20

We had a power outage yesterday that lasted over 12 hours. I'm so glad it's back today, but it was kind of cool having so much time to just relax and do whatever.

Carb Journal
Friday, April 05, 2024
  • 03:44PM -> Brunch at Restaurant -> 12

Total net carbs: 12


Storm Dragon pushed changes to the master branch of the audiogame-manager project Merge branch 'testing' latest games and updates.

Carb Journal
Thursday, April 04, 2024
  • 12:23PM -> taco salad -> 7.5

  • 03:09PM -> Bone Broth -> 0.9

  • 03:15PM -> Beef Jerky -> 0

  • 05:24PM -> Taco Salad -> 7.5

Total net carbs: 15.9


Storm Dragon pushed changes to the testing branch of the audiogame-manager project Bump Executioner's Rage version for initial install.

Carb Journal
Wednesday, April 03, 2024
  • 12:06PM -> Bacon Jalapeno Cheeseburger -> 7.5

  • 03:15PM -> Bone Broth -> 0.9

  • 06:11PM -> Subway Steak Protein Bowl -> 11.5

Total net carbs: 19.9

@nixCraft That's a tough one, I guess it depends on the situation, sometimes ^k (delete from cursor to end of line) and ^u (delete from cursor to beginning of line) are quite handy.

Carb Journal
Tuesday, April 02, 2024
  • 02:56PM -> Microwave Chili Meal -> 5

  • 03:02PM -> Beef Jerky -> 0

  • 07:06PM -> Tripple Bacon Classic -> 5.3

Total net carbs: 10.3

Slightly off color joke.

I heard a joke today that made me chortle, so though it's slightly off color I'll share. Once two beautiful marble statues, a nymph and a young Adonis, stood in a park. They'd stood looking at each other in all weathers for a hundred years and more as all human, animal and avian life went on around them. One moonlit night, with a rush of wings, a fairy appeared before them. "You've worked hard and endured much for the last century," she said, "So you've earned a reward. I am going to bring you to life for half an hour, in which time you can do the thing you've always wanted to do." There was a wave of the wand, a flash of light, and the nymph and the Adonis were standing there alive. "At last!" said the nymph, "Shall we?" and the adonis gave a wicked leer and said, "Bring it on!", after which they disappeared into the bushes and there was nothing but some frantic rustling. In a while they both emerged, hot, flushed and happy. "Wow!" said the fairy with a roguish wink, "You sure needed that, but you've only taken 15 minutes, you have time for round two." The Adonis looked at the nymph, she looked at him and they giggled a bit. "I'm up for it," said the adonis, "But tell you what, let's try it a new way." "What did you have in mind?" giggled the nymph. "Well," said the Adonis with a broad grin, "How about if this time I catch the pigeon and hold it down while you poop on it!

Joke. Those who are easily offended need not click.

Borrowed from a jokebook and slightly rephrase because I don’t remember the exact wording.
A bunch of airplane passengers are waiting for the pilot so they can take off. When the pilot and copilot finally do appear, both appear to be blind. The pilot is using a cane and bumping into people, and the copilot has a guide dog. Everyone appears unconcerned until the two eventually make their way up to the front of the plane. As the plane starts taxiing down the runway the passengers begin to panic. The panic grows more intense the further the plane goes down the runway. When they have less than 20 feet of runway left, all of the passengers scream at once and thankfully, the plane lifts off and is airborne. Back in the cockpit, the copilot turns to the pilot and says one of these days the passengers aren’t going to scream and we’re going to get killed.

@liamerven Printers are the root of all evil!

Me and two sighted classmates took apart my Brailliant 40 and VarioConnect 40 during our lunch period today. We discovered many interesting things, from them both using breakout boards to braille cells taking 200 volts to move (granted at low current), to them both somehow getting USB power and showing as idle Braille devices to Mac VoiceOver, to the Vario only flashing" Braille connect 40" over and over again when powered. If/when we're able to get them working again I'll probably write up a blog post, but this spawned an interesting idea out of the three of us. A repair shop like Louis Rossmann's, except for blindness tech. I.e., you send us your device, we fix it, send it back to you. Any major movement on this definitely won't happen for a while, we're all currently high school seniors with upcoming college plans and other side projects, but would there be interest in this?

Boosts appreciated.

About to go live playing Slay the Spire! Unlocking ascensions on Ironclad, come join if you like!


Storm Dragon pushed changes to the testing branch of the audiogame-manager project download url for "Shooter" updated.

RS Games

I won 1000 miles with a final score of 2900 points. This is my thirty-first win!
