The Wolfe Pack

Billy |

I live in North Carolina, United states. I enjoy pipe smoking, music, and hanging out with my wife and kids. My interests include music, coding, Linux, gaming, and open source things in general.

Some of my favorite music

Amon Amarth:


The Other:


Other Sites

My git stuff:


Thoughts of a Dragon:

My Ko-fi:

It seems to be working! yay!

Switched Ratatoskr to use getopt instead of getopts. It should add more flexibility to the options, and hopefully fix the bug with post.

The Nine Noble Virtues
  1. Courage
  2. Truth
  3. Honor
  4. Fidelity
  5. Discipline
  6. Hospitality
  7. Self Reliance
  8. Industriousness
  9. Perseverance

I think I am doing ok with these. I suppose there is always room for improvement, but over all not bad. I probably need to work on 5 and 9 a bit more. I do like to post these every so often and reflect to make sure I am living up to them. Really 3 is something you can only measure for yourself in most cases, but if you’re doing well at the otherh 8, honor is probably achieved through that.

Let’s see if I can post something from Ratatoskr’s main loop without getting a bunch of fragments of other posts as the subject.

Thanks @TechEnthusiast for the following:

  1. If you’re choking on an ice cube, simply pour a cup of boiling water down your throat. Presto! The blockage will instantly remove itself.
  2. Avoid cutting yourself when slicing vegetables by getting someone else to hold the vegetables.
  3. Avoid arguments with females about lifting the toilet seat by using the sink.
  4. For high blood pressure sufferers, simply cut yourself and bleed for a few minutes, thus reducing the pressure on your veins. Remember to use a timer.
  5. A mouse trap placed on top of your alarm clock will prevent you from rolling over and going back to sleep after you hit the snooze button.
  6. If you have a bad cough, take a large dose of laxatives. Then you’ll be too afraid to cough.
  7. You only need two tools in life - WD-40 and duct tape. If it doesn’t move and should, use the WD-40. If it shouldn’t move and does, use the duct tape.
  8. If you can’t fix it with a hammer, you’ve got an electrical problem.

@TechEnthusiast Just FYI, it did remove it from my favorites. I’m going to post it in just a sec, but I’ll credit you as the source. Just in case it gets deleted again.

@TechEnthusiast I completely understand. that’s total BS.

@TechEnthusiast If you need a new home, you are welcome on I’m certainly not limiting my speech to spare feelings. Anyone who complained about that obvious joke is obviously stupid. I hope said “person”, notice the quotes, does not follow me. lol

I actually favorited that post, in order to easily share it with others, I’m hoping the delete doesn’t propigate across favorites.

@destructatron I bet you can use Pleroma for that. just pick an emoji, then copy it to your clipboard and paste it wherever. I just copied the 🎃 to my clipboard, and now I can paste it. 🎃 🎃 🎃

re: audiogame-manager

@fireborn I just found another major bug that would cause some games to not load and spew forth errors like an error spewing volcano. lol running specific versions of wine for specific games means that some games are more stable, and some games that no longer work in wine 8.0 will still be playable, but… Ouch, my poor brain.

stormdragon2976 pushed changes to the testing branch of the audiogame-manager project:
Make sure the wine variable gets set to something, if none of the conditions for setting it get called.

stormdragon2976 pushed changes to the testing branch of the audiogame-manager project:
Fixed Shadow Line launcher.

One more, missed a small bug.

This is just a test for new code in Ratatoskr.

Testing Multiple line input

Ok, I think I finally squished that posting bug. Now, let’s see if this comes out on 2 lines.
