The Wolfe Pack

@pax That's disappointing. Interestingly, though, #pleroma just had an update that improved #a11y quite substantially. The web interface is quite awesome now. The only thing that is really missing at this point is autocompletion of names. It is apparently going to be an involved process to fix it, but it is being worked on.

@pax If you are interested in switching to it, or trying it, I can see if I can find you an instance.

@pax I have asked on the #pleroma irc channel if thee are any public instances with the accessibility fixes in place. Sometimes it takes a bit to get an answer, but I will let you know. I haven't ever had to worry about importing followers, but I think it is possible.

@pax If I can find you an instance, I'll find out about getting you past the captcha as well. If nothing else, I may set up a public instance on stormux.

@pax I would probably not be the right person to do that. I only use my phone as a last resort for computing tasks. Also, I tend to do things from the command line, so although I can use the web interface, I usually just figure out things as I go when it is required.

@pax On the other hand, most things are really easy to do from the web interface, and you most likely won't have many problems figuring it out.