The Wolfe Pack

Billy |

I live in North Carolina, United states. I enjoy pipe smoking, music, and hanging out with my wife and kids. My interests include music, coding, Linux, gaming, and open source things in general.

Some of my favorite music

Amon Amarth:


The Other:


Other Sites

My git stuff:


Thoughts of a Dragon:

My Ko-fi:

@celtichawk Setting email up to not get marked as spam is where the difficulty comes from. It takes txt records, and a few other hoops. Of course Gmail will mark most things that are not gmail as spam, but G hasn’t been a good internet citizen in years, so not surprising.

With the right dns provider, however, that the records could even be handled through the api, so that could be scripted as well.

I got to thinking; self-hosted is the way to go for pretty much everything. It’s awesome to host your own social network, your own blog, your own email, etc. The problem comes from not everyone being technically inclined enough to set all this stuff up, and/or, not having the time to do so.

I wonder why there are no install everything programs out there? Or, maybe even a distro with a configure script that runs when you login for the first time that configures everything.

I have heard there is one for email, which is particularly difficult to set up, called mail in a box. There needs to be something more over all, something that sets up everything and makes the process easy.

@fireborn when you do pull requests, can you create a different branch for each one, and only request one thing per branch? The last batch has some tangles with things that are already in master, and basically we are adding in things manually because it's easier this way. With single pulls per branch, it should make it much easier to do this in the future.

Audiogame Manager
Storm Dragon pushed changes to the testing branch of the audiogame-manager.git project:
RS Games is finiky on some computers, attempted fix.

Audiogame Manager
Storm Dragon pushed changes to the master branch of the audiogame-manager.git project:
Merge branch 'testing' latest code and bug fixes.

Audiogame Manager
Storm Dragon pushed changes to the testing branch of the audiogame-manager.git project:
Switched back to SAPI for RS Games because it was requested.

Storm Dragon pushed changes to the master branch of the strychnine project:
Condensed the code that generates moving between workspaces with control+f#. Added control+shift+f# to move the currently focused application to the specified workspace, e.g. control+shift+f4 moves the current application to workspace 4.

Storm Dragon pushed changes to the master branch of the strychnine project:
Added a small ui for the transfersh program to make it easy to share files.

OMG! This is terrible! … I don’t have the poop emoji for my instance. Anyone know where to get it?

@celtichawk Sorry, I didn’t see any of this til now, was having a hamburger steak with some bacon. 😋

@celtichawk peertube-viewer-rs is based on youtube-viewer which is what pipe-viewer is based on too. You do have to configure a default instance, or use the -i flag. You can use -t to see what’s trending on the instance you chose, unless they use sepia I think it’s called.

@celtichawk if you want it to start on a page, export WWW_HOME in your .bashrc or .bash_profile, E.G.


@celtichawk I do most of my browsing from the command line, only breaking out the heavy browsers for javascript. I use w3m, especially for searching and reading articles. I even have keybindings for opening media links in mpv with the --really-quiet and --no-video flags. Another one sends the current page to brave, in case I stumble across something that has too much js.

@celtichawk lol that's awesome. He is wherre most of our weather info comes from. He's so accurate it's scary.

yesterday, it was so hot that the AC ran off and on all day long. This morning, the heat is running nonstop. Oh, and we apparently have another hurricane, Nicole, coming that will meet up with a storm coming from the west. Things are about to get interesting I think…

I gave i3 a spin for a day or so. I’m back on Ratpoison now, but i3 is quite neat. If ratpoison ever becomes unusable, i3 will be my next choice. It is a very close second.

I wonder if [markdown]( works on pinafore?

@sektor @adam Woe, this is pretty awesome.

Hmm, interesting new layout for #pleroma. Nice unlabeled button at the bottom for posting. lol

@liberachat awesome, thank you for checking into this for me. Email has been sent.
