The Wolfe Pack

Billy |

I live in North Carolina, United states. I enjoy pipe smoking, music, and hanging out with my wife and kids. My interests include music, coding, Linux, gaming, and open source things in general.

Some of my favorite music

Amon Amarth:


The Other:


Other Sites

My git stuff:


Thoughts of a Dragon:

My Ko-fi:

@liberachat I had a brief internet outage today, and when I came back I am not able to join It says my ip has been banned because it is on some .org site. That should not be the case because I have had this ip for years, and never used it for spam of any sort.

Happy Halloween! 🎃 In other news, today is also my 18th Anniversary, maried for 18 awesome years! 🎃

The wifi flickered briefly, causing the family to descend on me "WHAT'S WRONG WITH THE WIFI! FIX IT!"

Well dear family, it is now fixed, as proven by this post.

I had an interesting debate with someone about the Firefox checkbox to disable accessibility. My stance is that it is discriminatory against blind users specifically, and possibly others that would depend on the framework. the dude I was talking to said it is not, and it is a way to improve security if the accessibility features are not needed. Ok, so if we were to sail on down BS creek, where is the ability to turn off display to the screen. If I am using firefox and only use screen reader output, I don’t need text or images output to the screen, just send info to my reader. this would improve security too, not only that, but it would save processing power without having to render all that stuff to the screen. Also, why would offering accessibility features be less secure than not, if there are holes in the software, they need to be fixed. Am I entitled to less security merely for the crime of being born blind? How is it that Chrome, and even old browsers like Internet Explorer can offer the same security to people with and without disabilities? Is it really any wonder that Firefox has lost 40 some million users in the last couple years? Maybe I have a bias view of these things, but usually applications with no accessibility, or a shoddy implementation of accessibility, tend to not be very good anyway. It is usually disappointing to find someone to help with a program that has poor or unimplemented accessibility only to find out that it sucks anyway. Perhaps if Firefox would spend more effort on consuming less memory, loading faster, and making things easier to find and use, and spend less time on disabling critical functionality with the click of a checkbox, they could win back some of those 40 million people who moved on to better browsers. Personally, I only install it briefly if there’s something Orca can’t handle well with Brave. This is becoming more and more rare, and I haven’t had to do it in at least 6 months. Mostly, that is because of the checkbox to disable accessibility. If they removed that option, I maybe would use it more just to keep up with new happenings in its development if nothing else. While that box is there though, I can’t be bothered enough to care about the rest of it.

Hmm, what happened to the ability to post in markdown?

I hate the hiccups. I got a horrible case of them and went looking for a way to get rid of the bastards. When I read number 23 on This article on getting rid of hiccups, I laughed so hard I think it got rid of them. So, they should add laughter to the list. Seriously, my sides hurt.

Let’s find out what the most popular method is shall we? how do you get rid of your hiccups?

Going Forward

It’s been approx a week. So far I am pretty happy with #pleroma. The only problem I have is not being able to set a profile pic. I have tried several fixes, none of which have worked.

The only other thing is my follower count hasn’t increased very much at all. Now, I need to seriously start deciding, do I stick with this, or go back to my #gnusocial setup. There is a lot of stuff I really like about GS, and I used it for years. The one major drawback is it does not natively support markdown.

I think I will decide over the next week, keeping things as they are currently during that time. Markdown support may end up being the deciding factor at this point. I suppose I can learn to live without a profile pic, especially seeing as how profile pics don’t mean anything to me anyway lol.
