The Wolfe Pack

The Fenrir screen reader has moved. The new repository, where development is continuing, is located at:

There have been some major changes with more to come. One thing that will affect existing users is, there is no longer a fenrir-daemon separate from the main launcher. It now launches in the background using just "fenrir" with the old option to run in the foreground now a flag. So to launch and keep Fenrir in the foreground:

fenrir -f

This means those relying on service files for systemd or runit, you will need to update your service file for the new version. The fenrir-git package available from the AUR is already updated for the new version. If you use a package manager such as yay to install and update fenrir, you may want to remove the existing cached package before upgrading:

rm -rf ~/.cache/yay/fenrir-git
yay -S fenrir-git

There will be a stable release coming hopefully later this month. Thee has been lots of refactoring and code cleanup over the last couple weeks.

If you are interested in contributing to Fenrir, pull requests are welcome or contact me if you would like to be added directly to the project. Both python coders and documentation writers are needed.
