The Wolfe Pack

As a low vision / blind user, So, I'm looking to install Linux after a 10+ year hiatus - Any advice, distributions or other articles or list servs someone can point me to? BlindArch, seems dead

@JStark Stormux might work for you. Check it out and see. Also tagging @storm as a contact for you.

@baethyn @storm seemsthat it's more suited for a raspberry pie?

@JStark @storm I get that. I'm still a newbie. That's why I gave you the developer contact. I've been told it would probably work and that there might be a PC script, but you'd be better served talking to the dev.

@baethyn @JStark the Stormux setup for X86_64 is still experimental. If you want a distro that just works and is easy to set up and maintain, give Slint a try.

Arch is accessible now, you just have to select the speech option when booting. This is why the projects that made it accessible are no longer active.
