The Wolfe Pack

Hi all. Hoping there are some users out there that can help me out. I'm using an old computer, not the one I mentioned in my previous posts, but a different one, and isn't speaking. I originally installed Mate, but Orca was freezing a lot, so I switched my to . It seemed like a lot of things were inaccessible, though, so I decided to try . I installed Gnome, chose GDM as the display manager, and restarted the computer. Now, Orca works on the login screen but nowhere else. It seems to be running, and when I run "orca --replace" in the terminal, I get an error about something only working with X11. I've been able to tell that by scanning the screen with on my . I need to get Orca up and running again so I can use my computer. What's the best way to do this, preferably without sighted help, as my mom and stepdad aren't good with .
@mastoblind @main

@RareBird_15 @mastoblind @main On the login screen there should be a settings button and you can use that to switch to X11. That's the way it works with KDE at least. I haven't used gnome since version 2, so can't say for sure, but it's worth a shot.
