The Wolfe Pack


Storm Dragon pushed changes to the testing branch of the audiogame-manager project Added update script for Rettou because it seems to update frequently.

re: audiogame-manager

@bgtlover That sounds like an old version or a corrupted download. Try removing:


and see if that fixes it on a new installation. It’s always been a bit finiky, but this new version seems to be more reliable than the old.

Also, I think you need a screen for it to start, so if you don’t have one, you could try xf86-video-dummy-with-vt from the AUR. There’s a configuration file you will need for that. Let me know if you need me to send it your way.

re: audiogame-manager

@bgtlover I forgot to mention, if you want to install it without audiogame-manager, you’ll need to install dotnet, which is a pain. Here’s the relevant line:

LC_ALL=C DISPLAY="" winetricks -q dotnet462 xna40

re: audiogame-manager

@bgtlover Yeah, that’s what I meant, so that won’t be the problem.

re: audiogame-manager

@bgtlover I briefly thought about making a flatpack for games like Judgement Day and something else, can’t remember what currently, but they are a bit hit or miss as far as the libraries they need. Putting them in a flatpack would mean they would continue to work. I can’t ever seem to find the time to actualy do it though.

re: audiogame-manager

@bgtlover I guess the new version of the game is stil finiky. For the longest time, it worked for everyone except me. Now this new version works for me, but not for you. I am out of ideas for what may be going wrong. Do you happen to have a different computer you can try?


re: audiogame-manager

@bgtlover Yes, please send the errors.