The Wolfe Pack

@bgtlover I did not get it working. Apparently it did work briefly for someone but stopped soon after. I was planning on working on AGM’s NVDA support, installing a portable copy and running it for these games that can’t be made to work any other way, but even the best result would still be cludgey, so I’ve been procrastinating. If you are willing to make tolk2speechd, that would be an awesome contribution, and probably the best solution for this problem. It would fix not only STW, but a few other games as well.

@bgtlover let me know when this stuff is ready for testing. I’ll throw it into AGM, and you’ll have all the feedback you will need. For now, sapi works great with Crazy Party, so the AGM setup doesn’t use nvda for that. It’s rumered that CP is being rewritten in the same engine as STW though, and that will mean tolk. So we have 2 options, stick with the latest working version, or make tolk work. I would love to be able to offerr the latest release, so a working tolk would be the best solution, but I’m not going to break a game that practically everyone who uses AGM has installed, or so I believe, with a new version that doesn’t work. If wrost comes to worst, I could just make a public server for all the AGM people to use. It sounds like you might make the whole problem go away though, and for that, thank you. You rock! 😈

@bgtlover well, nvda2speechd already works, but there is nothing yet for tolk. So, putting tolk first would open up more games. On the other hand, this is personal work you are doing because you want to, so which ever you want to do first automatically gets higher priority. If you are open to requests, however, I would have to vote tolk, for the reason above.

@bgtlover I do not, but maybe @MWTab does.

@bgtlover Not that I can think of. Pretty much everyone is releasing 64 bit games these days, and the people who aren’t mostly use BGT, and have sapi support without tolk. I guess it wouldn’t be bad to have 32 bit tolk support, but it’s not essential.

@bgtlover Awesome, thank you.

@bgtlover @MWTab Oh, so awesome! Thank you. Today is my last really busy day before the weekend hits, but if I get the chance, I’ll start testing on this today. 🥳


@bgtlover @MWTab I got it to compile. How did you run STW so you could see its output in the console? I have an idea for the arrow keys if I can’t get them to work, but I’ll have to look up the command.

@bgtlover @MWTab Ok, I got it working with the clipboard. It’s using the clipboard reader, but I haven’t yet pushed anything to audiogame-manager. There are a couple things it’s not reading in the create account dialog. I’m going to test it with a different game and see what happens.