The Wolfe Pack

re: Mental and physical health

@wenwizzle @ChrisChaffin @schratze Hmm, it sounds like other people’s desire to run your life may be the root of some problems. If I, for example want to sleep all day, I sleep all day. If I am hungry, I eat. Very importantly, if someone has a problem with me doing what I want to do, when I want to do it, that’s what foaas is for.


re: Mental and physical health

@wenwizzle @ChrisChaffin @schratze Definitely a fare point. It’s still a beautiful service, and may be worth remembering for when you do feel up to it.

I personally do not suffer from depression, but I know it’s real with real consequences. Usually my approach is to ask if I can help in any way. A lot of times, though, the answer is “I just need to be alone.” So then I say I’m here if you need me, and give them their space. The reason I do that, is because if I make my wishes known to someone, I would hope they would follow through if possible and the request isn’t too crazy lol.