The Wolfe Pack

Now that Mist World works in audiogame-manager, I just have to get the account creation script working, that’s a lot of stuff to try and tab through and type with no feedback at all.

@bgtlover I have just spent probably an hour testing it, logging out and back in, etc. It seems to work fine. It’s till in testing, so not what I would call stable yet, but so far, so good.


@bgtlover Most of the problems were with wine’s pickiness with handling java programs. Here’s the magic statement that got everything in going:

sed -i 's/1024m/768m/g' mw.exe.vmoptions

That just moves the 2 settings at the top of the file from 1024M to 768m instead. Before it would either not run because of errors regarding memory and heap stuff, or be crashy.

@bgtlover No, not thus far. This is using wine 8.0 BTW.