The Wolfe Pack

Billy |

I live in North Carolina, United states. I enjoy pipe smoking, music, and hanging out with my wife and kids. My interests include music, coding, Linux, gaming, and open source things in general.

Some of my favorite music

Amon Amarth:


The Other:


Other Sites

My git stuff:


Thoughts of a Dragon:

My Ko-fi:


Storm Dragon pushed changes to the master branch of the I38 project Started work on bookmark functionality.

@weirdwriter I think this is what you need:

Hey, so I made an online course to teach absolute beginners the basics of HTML/CSS. I’m so gosh-darned proud of it — and the three years I spent putting it together. I put a lot of myself in there to make it the sort of welcome mat into front-end development that we need to get more folks coding.

Now, I’m also super shy about sharing stuff like this. But I’d really love for you to check it out and pass it along to those who need that welcoming path into the front end.


Storm Dragon pushed changes to the testing branch of the audiogame-manager project Started work on adding "star Treck Final Conflict" it's commented out because not yet working.

Dear auto-correct, I'm getting a bit tired of your shirt.

@simon @jaybird110127 @cordova5029 @BorrisInABox @bryansmart @celrock @bmoore123 @munchkinbear This was awesome! Thank you for sharing. I am pretty sure I used to have one of the first style of machines you showed. I have had a few over the years, and most of the micro cassette machines were similar, so I'm not as sure about the second one.

Please boost for reach: There's an open issue on Github about adding scripting support to Retroarch. This would enable scripts like the Pokemon Access mod to be ran on Retroarch, hopefully allowing blind people to actually play the game while mobile. I tried it out and am already making a team in Pokemon Emerald, and in the woods in the first few areas of the game! If anyone is good with adding Lua to things, or if anyone is good at modding games and wants to enhance the Pokemon Access scripts, I'd really appreciate you looking into this.

Github issue:

Pokemon Access:

A friend just pointed out:

"ADHD creates impulse control issues and, consequently, advertising takes advantage of a disability.  Ergo, ad blockers are assistive devices and interfering with their operation for commercial gain constitutes a willful violation of the ADA."

Let’s do this.

@meatbag Oh that is very cool. I know a lot of people aren't willing to give up Eloquence, will it work with that addon? If so, you are going to make a lot of people very happy with this. ☺️

@meatbag Is that NVDA for Linux? Or is it NVDA in wine running through speech-dispatcher for speech? Whatever it is, it's pretty awesome! I can't wait to see where it goes.

@FluidEscence I was wondering when someone was gonna get around to doing this. ☺️

Ack, updates seem to have broken peertube.

@blindbat84 Yep, that's the one, little battery powered 6 incher.

I got to cut down an old stump with the world's smallest chainsaw. It was pretty cool lol.

I have been gifted with the promise of a for my birthday. I have a good idea for said tattoo and would like a little bit of a head start on the of it. I turned to generation to getthat head start. I fully plan to use this picture to serve as a base model and work with either the tattoo or someone else to get the final product. I am however beginning to get a little pissed off trying to actually use the AI to generate a picture. I tried Gemini and it tells me it can't do people like figures right now. I can't even find the method to use the image creator on , just gives me some error it won't explain. Last but not least because I'm using this as simply the base model and then going to almost certainly pay for the finished design I'd rather not have to dish out a month's worth of subscription to for access to their image creation model for this 1 picture.

If you've read this far, thank you for your paitience. I am wondering if anyone could give me some instruction on how to do this as a user, which one you've had the most success with, and any other advice regarding the entire process. I have absolutely no intention of generating more than a couple of pictures like this and the only place that I plan to put them is on my body. That last part is why I want a base line model I generated, had vetted by a few sighted people, then talked through with the artist before any ink ever gets laid down.

There is no great rush but I am hoping to get the tattoo done before the heat of the summer really gets here. Thank you all in advance.

Today was a very busy day, I got a lot accomplished. The x86_64 Stormux installer is coming along nicely. I38 got a new notification daemon option. Lots more, but too tired to think of it all now. Time for 💤


Storm Dragon pushed changes to the master branch of the I38 project Notification sound if using xfce4-notifyd.

re: I38

@fireborn A couple of things. Fir, and most importantly, it doesn't get full, with notification-daemon, it had the possibility to stop showing notifications after a while because it would fill up. The only way to get it back was to restart it. Second, it actually creates a temperary window for notofications, which means we can have a specific sound for notifications. Well I hope we can at least, will be working on that.


Storm Dragon pushed changes to the master branch of the I38 project Prefer xfce4 notofication daemon. It only works with latest orca from git currently, so fall back to notification-daemon if xfce4 notification daemon is not available but notoification-daemon is, otherwise no notifiactions at all.

@beachmart Happy 50th! Here's to 50 more. 🎉
