The Wolfe Pack

Billy |

I live in North Carolina, United states. I enjoy pipe smoking, music, and hanging out with my wife and kids. My interests include music, coding, Linux, gaming, and open source things in general.

Some of my favorite music

Amon Amarth:


The Other:


Other Sites

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Thoughts of a Dragon:

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Storm Dragon pushed changes to the testing branch of the audiogame-manager project Kitchensinc games moved to ipfs.


Storm Dragon pushed changes to the testing branch of the audiogame-manager project Christmas Chaos moved to ipfs.


Storm Dragon pushed changes to the testing branch of the audiogame-manager project First go with ipfs for file download.

This just made my day! TobyDoom 7.0 is coming soon!

Finally, the troll who was constantly spamming the AUR with deletion requests got his account suspended. Now he's whining to the list like a little bitch. Hopefully he will switch distros and go a way as a protest of the injustice. I would totally support him in that endeavor, so long as he has the dedication to really teach them a lesson and never come back.

Just posted to peertube: Bird of Doom:

Just posted to peertube: Introduction to Accessible Gaming:


A priest, a minister and a rabbi want to know which of them is better at his work. They go into the forest, find a bear and try to convert it. Later the three meet and discuss their results.

"When I found the bear," said the priest, "I read him the catechism and sprinkled him with Holy Water. Next week he will make his First Communion."

"I went to the bear," said the minister, "and I preached the word of God to him. The bear was so surprised that he let me baptize him."

They both turn to see the rabbi, lying on a rolling stretcher, with his body covered in bandages. "Thinking about it," exclaims the rabbi, "perhaps I should not have started with the circumcision!"

@jaybird110127 I found the recording of my bird clock. It is nowhere near as high quality, but should give you some idea of the pitch difference.

@jaybird110127 Unfortunately I do not. I think I do have recordings of the birds somewhere though, just with a standard mic, nothing fancy.

The bird clock recording and the speech rendition of it sounds inspired me to make this audio clip, called "Bird of Doom". Ladies and gentlemen, I present to you, the BFP9000!

@jaybird110127 That's awesome! I have one of those too. Interestingly, the birds on your clock are much lower pitch than the birds on mine. Thanks for sharing. ☺️


Storm Dragon pushed changes to the master branch of the I38 project Updated the comment at the top of the i3 configuration file.

Congratulations Alando1 and the Toby Doom Accessibility team on receiving the Staff Award this year.

If you haven't tried Doom with accessibility yet, I strongly encourage you to do so. It is one of, if not my favorite game of all time.


Storm Dragon pushed changes to the testing branch of the audiogame-manager project Skip loading qjoypad with games that cause conflicts.

@sektor Peertube updates are painful! It would be cool if there was something that could update the configuration file and ask about new additions.

@MWTab @cary5871 @gocu54 Currently $14.95 on

@cary5871 Isn't that Popcorn?

@cary5871 @gocu54 It's not one that I play much, but maybe @MWTab will jump in with the mod locations.

@cary5871 @gocu54 SDV is available in linux-game-manager. I can list the mods you need for accessibility, because we had to add them all in lgm.

  • AccessibleTiles
  • AutoTravel
  • GlueFurnitureDown
  • ChatCommands
  • stardew-access
  • WastelessWatering
