The Wolfe Pack

Billy |

I live in North Carolina, United states. I enjoy pipe smoking, music, and hanging out with my wife and kids. My interests include music, coding, Linux, gaming, and open source things in general.

Some of my favorite music

Amon Amarth:


The Other:


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Thoughts of a Dragon:

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@destructatron Oh, then the part about the bug in kernel doesn’t apply. You can use fenrir -e. You would want to look at the pty keyboard layout. I tried to come up with a keyboard layout tht would leave most of the keyboard open, and I think I succeeded for the most part, but it’s a bit different than the alt+j, k, l that most people are used to. There is a second layout that is more similar, called pty2.conf I think, so if you would rather use it, set it by moving pty2 to pyt.conf. Both files are well commented if I remember, so read those for the documentation.

@destructatron Normally I would say give Fenrir a try, but there’s currently a bug in the kernel that is causing it to act a bit weird. There’s a patch for it in coming, but I don’t think it’s landed yet.

@destructatron can you send me the download link?

@destructatron I will work on adding this soon-ish, lots going on at the moment. As long as the game itself includes stuff, it’s on them. I can’t include Eloquence in AGM because of copyright crap, but if the game itself includes it, not my problem.

Which would you find most convenient as a way to learn about and ask questions for blind accessible gaming? Please repost this so that more people get a chance to vote.

@destructatron @bgtlover @bryn Just out of curiosity, did you install alsa-firmware? I have a computer with a weird sound card, and I had to install that in order for sound to work.

@bryn @destructatron lol the little dog demanded pets and ran onto my keyboard, thereby repeating your status.

@destructatron Did you remember to

sudo systemctl --global enable wireplumber

Oh, forgot to mention, there seems to be a good deal of trolling against nonnative English speakers. Typically, it will start with negative comments about mispelled words, then someone will yell clone. The game createor will unfortunately try defending their work, and often due to translation errors, something will come across in a vague or undesirable way, and then they all pounce. Finally, after being subjected to page after page of trolling and abuse, one of the “admin” will step in, add their yelling to the developer, and close the topic.

We really truly need an informational site where developers can safely post without having to deal with the trash. Maybe have an optional contact form for developer that uses email so that all contact with the developer is private. At this point, I would be also interested in developers having a way to flag users as spammers or trolls, and if they use the sites contact form after that, it would cost $10 per troll point per message. So someone who has sent 5 troll or spam messages would need to pay $50 to send a message to a game creator.

On one hand, all this drama on audiogames forum is kind of funny. I honestly wonder how many of these people who are griping about “pirated sounds” and “stolen synthesizers and assets” are writing their messages using illegal copies of Jaws with unlicensed copies of Eloquence.

On the other hand, it’s really annoying. All these great games get released, e.g. Crazy Party, Mist World, etc and then the trolling and complaining starts. Is it really any wonder that there are fewer games released now days, or at least fewer people sharing their games on what is supposed to be the centralized area for gaming information. We really need a place that is for developers, announce only, with no community interaction. More a magazine format instead of a forum.

@Brynify I have been trying to get Sammy Center working in audiogame-manager for a while now. I think I saw you mentioned in the credits, so if that’s the case, how does it provide speech? I don’t see any of the usual dlls, the window title reader doesn’t work, nor does the clipboard reader.

@wenwizzle Yes, in serving sizes less than 50. 50 or more, it’s a small meal.

@destructatron hopefully. I only tested with notify-send.

re: Content warning for a vehement hatred of all things football.

@cary5871 I thought that ended in January lol. Shows how much attention I pay to sports I guess.

@destructatron I have a script for you. I got tired of fighting with the original, here is my rewrite. Currently it says the notification, but it also says “sender-pid” with each one. I’ll try and get that fixed, but I thought it was going to be easy and … not so much.

#!/usr/bin/env bash

dbus-monitor "interface='org.freedesktop.Notifications'" | while read line; do
    grep --line-buffered "string" |
    grep --line-buffered -e method -e ":" -e '""' -e urgency -e notify -v |
    grep --line-buffered '.*(?=string)|(?<=string).*' -oPi |
    grep --line-buffered -v '^\s*$' |
    spd-say -Cw -P important -e

If that works for you I will keel that sender-pid thing eventually. Let me know.

@destructatron Oh, looking at this more carefully, I think monitoring for new notifications is going to be a blocking process. I fixed the subshell statement for result, and it just hangs. I’ll see what I can do with it and let you know.

@destructatron just before the “$result” part, it would be god to add –, so you would have:

spd-say -Cw -- "$result"

Briefly looking at your code, so long as $result contains something, it should speak. Without the – bit, however, it could potentially think a - was the start of a flag. If that doesn’t fix it, let me know and I’ll check into it more thoroughly.

Upgrading postgresql is scary.

We are currently getting ice from the sky. First actual winter weather we got this year, and it has to be ice. No sledding this year I guess.
