The Wolfe Pack

Billy |

I live in North Carolina, United states. I enjoy pipe smoking, music, and hanging out with my wife and kids. My interests include music, coding, Linux, gaming, and open source things in general.

Some of my favorite music

Amon Amarth:


The Other:


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Thoughts of a Dragon:

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@tschapajew that would be awesome. Minecraft does have accessibility, but it is provided by 3rd party mod, so if you compare the two games for accessibility, both are equally inaccessible without modding them.

It would really be great if Minetest got accessibility with no mods required.

I am starting to develop a more active dislike for Minecraft. The kids insist on it, even though it tends to overheat the processor and make the laptop it is installed on shut down. Minetest, on the other hand, runs flawlessly, has more stuff you can do, and from all appearance is a better game all around.

I am starting to wonder if Minecraft has some sort of weird mind control embedded in its graphics lol.

@caitybug @jticket Awesome, welcome to the fediverse.

Getting in the Christmas spirit with my favorite Christmas song.

stormdragon2976 pushed changes to the master branch of the I38 project:
Game controler battery status script added. This works with PS4 controlers by default, and probably other batteries if you set the path in the script itself.

stormdragon2976 pushed changes to the master branch of the I38.git project:
Add a check for the python i3ipc library.

@fireborn @vitallie coding is like metal. The day just isn't complete without a healthy dose of both.

Power is still on, not having it for 2+ weeks really amps up the appreciation... lol amps.

The side affect is now every sound in the house that I'm not expecting makes me panic briefly. Even the flick of a light switch from near the breaker box...

The outlets have been working for nearly an hour.

The electrician comes today in approximately 10 minutes. Finally the nightmare may be at an end. πŸ˜‚ It will be great to have electricity in the living room again. Fingers crossed.

@fireborn lol I was way over thinking the ratpoisonless configuration. Once I realized it would actually be simple, it took me about 10 minutes to write. Then I spent about 35 more minutes tracking down a really obvious bug in the yesno dialogs.

@dgoodmaniii toot is awesome, especially for scripts.

@fireborn I updated the battery status script just a bit so that it doesn't rely on ls which can be different on different systems. I also did some string manipulation so it would read "Battery 0:" instead of "BAT0".

If you have time, take a look at it and tell me what you think.

@fireborn It's all good. I certainly do appreciate all the work.

@fireborn We are merging the key conflict detection. I sent you a reply on github. Basically, for things that present dialogs, use yad instead of zenity. Also for short things like battery info, you could just make a key binding and speak the information with speech-dispatcher instead of using a text box.

Thanks for all the help. ☺️

I updated some of the I38 scripts. Bugs are quite possible, so let me know if you notice anything weird when using the window list or when moving between workspaces.

@fireborn Pull request received and merged. Thanks πŸ˜€

@fireborn I haven't received any pull requests. If nothing else, you can wormhole it to me.

Anyone know if jami-qt is wayland only?

@fireborn Yeah, AGM is supposed to cut out the need for virtualization and make it where you can play games on your system without a whole lot of bother and dealing with inaccessible installers.
